Registration Info

If you own Ivory 1.5 or 1.6:

To convert to an iLok license, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you are running Ivory on one of these operating systems:

    Mac OS 10.6.x Snow Leopard
    Mac OS 10.5.x Leopard
    Mac OS 10.4.x Tiger
    Windows 7
    Windows Vista
    Windows XP

    Our existing challenge/response unlock-code protection is not supported on Leopard, Snow Leopard, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
  2. Once you are given an iLok license, you will no longer be able to obtain unlock codes using the old system.
  3. Install the Ivory 1.7 update available for FREE on our updates page.

If you've finished these 3 steps, please continue with instructions for 1.7 owners above.

If you own Ivory 1.0:

The Ivory 1.5 library or newer is required to use Ivory 1.7 and iLok. If you still own the original Ivory 1.0 library (8 DVDs) please contact ILIO or your local distributor to upgrade to the latest available Ivory library.