Add Ivory II’s acclaimed American Steinway D Concert Grand samples to your Yamaha MOTIF XF, MOXF, or Montage Flash.

The Synthogy American Grand is a Premium Sample Library Expansion Pack available for Yamaha Motif XF, MOXF, and Montage Production Synthesizers. It features over 610 MB of samples of an American Steinway D Concert Grand Piano and uses the same original source recordings as our acclaimed Ivory II virtual instrument.
Each note is represented in 8 velocity levels for a full range of dynamic expression and delivers the same stunning audio quality and playability that Synthogy virtual pianos are known for. Custom Motif XF performances are expertly crafted to voice the instrument in a variety of musical and creative settings.
Synthogy American Grand is available directly from the Yamaha MusicSoft website as a premium Synth Voice Library for Yamaha MOTIF XF Music, MOXF and Montage Production Synthesizers.
To purchase the Synthogy American Grand Synth Voice Library via Download or learn more about purchasing American Grand Expansion for the Yamaha Montage, MOXF or MOTIF XF click here.
This product is compatible with MOTIF XF, MOXF, and Montage Production Synthesizer
MOTIF XF and MOXF require prior installation of 1GB Flash Board - FL1024M Flash Memory Expansion Module
- Required Space: 610.4 MB
- 8 Waveforms
- 1408 Key banks (samples)
- Default Voice Bank - USER2 (MSB=63, LSB=9)
- FL1 - Source Expansion Memory Module